The campaign of the DGT "Live or Dead" touches the use of mobile, alcohol and speeding at the wheel. It is a hard and real campaign with two spots.

Alive or dead? The new and tough campaign of the DGT so that you do not run, do not drink and do not use the mobile

Although we recognize that, Sometimes, we can be against the DGT for some of its measures, this will not be the case. The Directorate General of Traffic launches a new awareness campaign through two spots that, despite being a bit hard, will reach even the most insensitive soul. The motto is clear: Live or dead?

Through these two videos of just one minute each, the DGT touches the three sections that kill more people by traffic accident create in our country; which are speeding, alcohol consumption and mobile use . The campaign focuses on whether, after causing a serious accident with victims for one of these reasons, you prefer to stay alive or, directly, to die .

To live after causing a fatal accident by be irresponsible

Instinct tells us that, first of all, we always prefer to live . In this case, they do not try to convince us of the hardness that we have with physical sequels for life, but one step beyond. Hours after the accident, the judicial police visit us at the hospital, informing us that we have killed our best friend and a child who was traveling in another car, so that we will be traumatized for life . . p>

In addition to the obvious psychological problems we will suffer , we will be imprisoned for reckless homicide. Yes, we will see each other in jail for a few years, a place we would probably never think of ending. Of course, we will lose our work and, later, it will be difficult for us to find another one again ... Nothing will return to its being.

To die after causing an accident

As hard as the first spot, in this case they tell us what would happen in our environment if we are the ones who die . They will put us in a plastic bag and there will be tests that will determine that we were the guilty ones for going fast, drinking or chatting with the mobile phone. Some stranger will call our house and will break the news to our parents , that will never be able to recover because nobody is born ready to lose a child.

Our partner will try to rebuild his life. We will not play with our children again, we will not even touch them again. Our friends, sooner or later, will laugh again. Meanwhile, we will go from being a person to a statistic ...

Without a doubt, it is a very tough campaign , one of the hardest to remember in recent years. Maybe you receive criticism, but the truth is that it is these types of campaigns, which really reach our most sensitive point, which really are effective . These two spots will be broadcast on television and on social networks.

I hope the DGT will continue to make use of these aggressive, hard and real awareness campaigns , also taking them to the institutes and universities so that the youngest see that, even if it is an advertisement, it is something that usually occurs. Of course, I think they should always be accompanied by road safety education days.

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